Well, Its been a while since my last update. Mainly its because Ive started working and I havent had time to do any new pieces. I do have a couple but nothing finished that I wanna post. Ill try to finish them and post them as soon as possible. On the working front, Im working for a social games company in singapore. Its not what I want but its a job. And its experiance. Plus it helps clear my bond. After the year ends Ill see what new frontiers I can explore. =D. Just to update, Ive entered Dominance War V. And Ill be posting my WIP's on the go. Ive already got some good ideas for what I wanna do. Hope it's better that my last failed piece. I think i've learned form my mistake the last time. So I think this will def be better than my last one. Will post up something soon. Cheers. And have a great day.